Are you a postpartum mom who is ready to workout confidently

and keep up your strength as your baby grows

but not sure where to start?

Get Your Strength Back, With Clarity

In 4 Weeks

*Without needing to add hours of working out into your day.

Take an Extra 60% Off !

Get Core Revive for $97 $39

Once inside, you'll activate new levels of strength each week:


Build the Foundation

This module will have you feeling your core within a week!

Inside You Will Learn and Feel How To:

  • Find your core & pelvic floor (because sometimes we need to find it again!)
  • Get your hips in the right place to relieve tightness and awaken your muscles
  • Test Yourself for Diastasis Recti (ab separation)
  • Connect to and Ignite Your core
  • Start the core burn!!🔥


Reset Your Posture

Get ready to ditch the hunched, tight posture from taking care of your baby. This module alone is a LIFESAVER.

Inside You Will Learn and Feel How To:

  • Adjust your posture in a way that naturally improves core strength
  • Get more mobility in your upper back (ahhh relief!)
  • Assess + reset your own posture 
  • Create upper back strength to reverse hours, weeks and months of postpartum achiness and tightness
  • Lifting and lifestyle techniques to help you improve your posture while you ‘mom’!


Ignite Your Glutes & Deepen Your Core Strength

STOP leaving core strength on the table. Build a core safety net ('s your glutes!) 🍑

Inside You Will Learn and Feel How To:

  • Open your hips to allow for deeper strength
  • Get even deeper core engagement than you thought possible
  • Why turning on your glutes is the key to deeper core connection (and getting the shape of your bootie back!)
  • Unique exercises for the glutes that will have you feeling that hurts-so-good burn in no time


Intensive Core: Twists & More!

This is where core strength gains get turned ALL. The. Way. ON!

Inside You Will Learn and Feel How To:

  • Twist your body well (because we do it all day in mom life!)
  • The precise way to prep your core for deep twisting
  • Where twists show up in mom life and how to use these opportunities for healing!
  • Explore half plank and plank and how to know you’re ready for it (Yes! When you’re ready, it’s a great exercise in postpartum!

Would dramatically shortening the path to restoring your core & pelvic floor change your life as a mom?

What Other Moms Are Saying...


You're going to love this approach that will set you free from feeling like you need "postpartum" workouts forever.


Every day you’ll get a new 11-mins-or-less video that's part-workshop, part-movement to follow along with, so you'll be learning as you move.

You'll learn to reactive your deep core muscles, relieve tension and gain strength in your upper back, and start closing your diastasis and healing your pelvic floor, from day one.


In digestible bits, I break down the process of why we do certain exercises, how to tell if you're doing it right, and what to do if you're not feeling it. This insight is pure gold because never again will you be stuck trying the same exercise for weeks with no result.

The knowledge you gain about your body will start to show up throughout your day. You’ll be recovering while you’re mom-ing. and you'll see how to use movements you’re already doing as a mom to speed up your recovery and trust your body more.


Once you feel your core activating, you'll want to know how to progress your core strength on your own...doing things like planks, mountain climbers, and jogging.

We’ve taken out all of the guesswork for you. Each step of the way, progressions are given so you can work at your ability now and also challenge yourself with the progressions as you get stronger.


Getting back to the workouts you were loving before pregnancy - or even discovering new activities - is part of the plan! No one wants to feel stuck in "postpartum land" forever.

In just 4 weeks' time, you’ll be able to modify ANY hardcore bootcamp, gym class, or yoga class you like. It's exhilarating when you see and feel yourself progressing safely and confidently in any setting.

What moms say at the end of 4 weeks...

"My diastasis recti has closed up more! And I can really start to feel my core!" - MR, NJ

"...less stress incontinence when sneezing!" - Gloria M.

"My back hurts less!" - KPD, NJ

" flexibility is coming back!" - Jackie, NJ

"I feel better overall!" - KM, NJ


Revive Your Core In Just 4 Weeks

  • Get re-acquainted with your pelvic floor and core after birth - whether you had a vaginal or c-section birth
  • Feel the foundational strength in your pelvic floor and core you thought was gone forever.
  • Know for sure that you're doing core work and other exercises that demand core strength correctly.
  • Integrate your core and pelvic floor strengthening into 'doing' mom-life without extra workouts.

Value $997

Your Price $97



I'm Kendra Fitzgerald,

Postpartum Corrective Exercise Specialist, Mom & Athlete

I’ve spent 18 years teaching corrective exercise and 10 years guiding birthing and postpartum people through Diastasis Recti recovery and pelvic floor weakness.

I learned even more about what is truly needed in postpartum recovery when I had my own babies - now ages 10 and 6.

My experiences have helped me develop a succinct yet effective postpartum movement training methodology that is rooted in postpartum corrective exercise and supplemented with practical applications for REAL mom life.

And now, I can teach you too!

This mini course is a result of thousands of hours spent understanding postpartum recovery...

But, thankfully, it will only take you less than 10 minutes a day over 4 weeks to implement.

And the best thing is, we are taking all of the guesswork out for you.


Just show up and we'll walk you through the process! It doesn't get any easier than that.


  • Getting the connection and feeling back in your core and pelvic floor that turns into feeling capable and ready for the day.

  • Showing up to ANY bootcamp, session, app workout, or live group class and having the skills and body awareness to move (and modify as needed) confidently for YOUR body.

  • Jogging - carefree - in your kiddo's school 5K fundraiser or laughing to tears at your family's holiday gathering (without worries of embarrassing leaks).


  • But if you’re thinking:

“Well, how hard and consistently do I have to work out? Do I have to become an exercise expert now?”

Meet your time-saving, core-restoring DIY shortcut…


Over 4 weeks, you’ll learn how to connect to your strength again and have powerful knowledge that will support your full core (and pelvic floor) revival.



How to Tackle The “No-Time” Problem and Make Progress FAST

The dread of “making time” for MORE in the midst of your busy mom life, and trying to figure out what to do to heal your body are over.

This training of mindset reprogramming combined with tiny action steps will have you BEing motivated naturally and taking action daily with pleasure...not guilt.


Tracking Worksheets: Check Off Your Progress! 

Never again worry about buying a postpartum course that gets lost in your digital library or sea of website tabs.

Grabbing the tracking worksheets means you can see what’s next and what’s done at a glance without constantly logging in.

HINT: Progress is motivating to the busy mom brain, and tracking progress where you can see it often instantly makes a huge difference.


Do-It-Anywhere Release Chest, Neck & Shoulder Pain 

When caring for a baby or toddler, chest tightness, neck stiffness, and shoulder pain are practically inevitable.

Learn these pro-moves for quickly releasing tension and bringing fresh energy to your upper body without needing creams or contraptions, or waiting for your next massage appointment.

You’ll be amazed when you realize just a little tension release can help you feel a lot better.


Value $997

Your Price $97

3-Day Money Back Guarantee
You got that right… your enrollment into Core Revive is backed up with a 3-day guarantee. You don’t even have to believe me in how simple getting started feeling your lower core and pelvic floor again are… you can try for yourself!

Jump inside today and if you’re not happy with the program, I will offer you a full refund.

(I rarely offer refunds for online programs, but I’m willing to take that risk because I want you to have full confidence. Take the next 3 days to explore Core Revive, and make a decision about it with information you have rather than the information you don’t have.)

What Moms Have To Say:


You might be like Rachel who wanted to heal her Diastasis but was afraid of doing the wrong thing and making it worse.

Or, Charlene whose goal was to get back to her pre-pregnancy workouts, which she did within 3 weeks!

I promise you, postpartum recovery doesn't have to be complicated. You just need to be doing the right exercises, correctly.

It really is much easier than you think!

Just show up and I will walk you step-by-step through turning your muscles on so they keep firing in mom life.


  • When do I get access to the workouts and trainings inside??

RIGHT AWAY! Once you checkout, you'll receive an email with the links and info to log into your own private portal where your video trainings and materials are waiting for you.

  • How long do I get to keep access?

Even though you can complete this program in less than a month, we’ll provide you with 6 MONTHS of access, which gives you either more time to get through it once - or for our ambitious ones - the chance to repeat and strengthen more and more. Access is not unlimited because we’ve found that having limited time with a powerful program like this one actually reinforces accountability to get it done. We’ll even send you email reminders to keep you on track. You’re welcome in advance! 🙂

  • How much time is required to move through this 4-week program?

You can knock out this program in as little as 10 minutes a day. The trainings and videos are short enough that you can stack them against other workouts you are doing - or stack them together and Netflix-style binge in one go at the beginning of the week. Either way, once you learn the foundations of each week, you are free to apply what you learn to your exercise and movements while ‘momming’.

  • How fast can I expect to see results for my body?

To a certain extent, it depends on your starting point and level of body awareness. That said, I walk you through all the different angles a person can try to start feeling their muscles ignite within the first week.

  • What if I had a c-section? Is this appropriate for me?

Yes, absolutely! Statistically 3 out of every 10 moms give birth by cesarean section, so you’re not alone, and this program has proven to be incredibly helpful for post- c-section recovery because of the cueing and options given to help you know you’re moving at the right pace for your body.

  • What if I can’t commit to doing a video each day?

No worries at all. There's no rule that says you must practice one video each day (though... that would be great for your body). Practice as little or as often as you'd like!

  • Are these exercises or trainings specific to any stage of postpartum?

My methodology is not specific to a certain number of weeks postpartum. Instead, it focuses on bringing your lower core and pelvic floor muscles on in the right order so you can layer on intensity with confidence later. (It’s kind of like building a house from the foundation and frame first before adding on the finishes.) It doesn’t matter if you’re 6 weeks postpartum, 6 months or 6 years - the process is the same!

  • Do you refresh the video trainings inside?

Yes and no. The workouts in this program have already been refined over the last 8 years of delivering it in-person, and they now get absolutely incredible results given the minimal time they take. Why change something that works so well? That said, as new research is released, I’m always evaluating ways to boost the programming (or bonuses) in this series, so you can rest assured, you’re getting the absolute latest and best when you work with me.

  • What kind of support do I get if I get stuck?

There’s a built-in question and discussion board inside your private portal. You can ask any questions you have, and since the discussion is only for those who have purchased this program, the discussions are always relevant to you reviving your strength.

  • What if I decide Core Revive isn’t for me?

Jump inside today and if you’re not happy with the product, I will offer you a full refund. Take the next 3 days to explore Core Revive, and make a decision about it using the information you have rather than the information you don’t have. Risk-free? 100%.