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The Devoted Mamas' Pregnancy, Birth & Postpartum Blog

Pro-Tip: Start moving BEFORE 6 Weeks Postpartum
GASP! Yes, we said it. The current standard of waiting until you have ‘the green light’ to exercise at 6 weeks is doing a serious...

Quiz: Do You Know Your Pregnancy Old Wives’ Tales?
Don’t go outside with wet hair or you’ll catch a cold. Feed a cold, starve a fever. Cows lie down when it’s going to rain. You’ve likely...

How-To: Dry Brushing in Postpartum
Body brushing, or “dry brushing” as it’s often called, is brushing your skin with a special brush to improve your health in numerous ways.

Two At-home Postpartum Rituals to Speed Up Your Postpartum Healing
Body Brushing and Oiling To Revitalize and Nourish When I learned about body oiling and brushing as part of an Ayurvedic approach to the...

How-To: Belly Wrapping in Postpartum
Belly wrapping is an Ayurvedic practice that supports a mother’s core/belly restabilization as a means to re-balancing the Vata dosha....

How-To: Body Oiling in Postpartum
Body oiling, (abhyanga) is an Ayurvedic practice of massaging the entire body with large amounts of warm oil. Isn’t just the sound of...
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